
The notifications are for the user making the change. (i.e. you can’t set notification preferences on behalf of someone) You are setting the preferences for yourself.

When an issue is detected it is determined by the downtime threshold. The email is sent as soon as an issue (station inactivity) is detected. The downtime threshold is set in Admin > Station (select which one) > Edit.

If Utilisation is selected (in Downtime Detection mode) the Utilisation Downtime Threshold (mins) should be set to when you want to receive a notification after how many minutes of downtime.

If Production cycle is selected (in Downtime Detection mode) Productive Hold on Time (mins) should be set to when you want to receive a notification after how many minutes of downtime.

Escalated issues are when the operator presses a button on the tablet. There are no changes in the stations Admin required to receive emails.

Last updated