Shift Patterns
Shift Patterns
Shift patterns can be created to match the way your shop floor operates on a daily basis. They can be set at Station group or Station level to allow for individual operating hours.
To create a shift pattern select Shift Patterns in the main menu and click ‘Add New Shift Pattern’
Enter the pattern title - this will be used to set the pattern for a Station or Station Group
Simply left click on the day and start hour where you want to add a shift.
Slide the white adjusters at each end to precisely change the start or end in 5 minute increments
Create as many sections throughout the day as needed, to account for shift breaks or change overs.
To add a shift that crosses from one day to another, extend the section up to 00:00 on the first day. Then simply start from 00:00 on the next day as required. Busroot will count this as a continuous shift.
Right click on a section to remove it from the chart.
Click Save to add the shift pattern.
Once saved, from the list view, Shift Patterns can be either Edited or Deleted as required
Once added, patterns will be available on Station Group and Station Management pages when adding or editing.
Last updated