Getting Started

What is the process to get setup

Our aim is to get you setup as efficiently as possible. Below is a guide to take you through the onboarding process for Busroot.


Here is a link to a document that needs to be completed by the person that will be installing the hardware.

The information required at this stage is:

  • Internet status (please see additional notes at bottom of this email)

  • For each machine (serial no, machine name and power supply)

  • Signal source(s) for each machine

  • Will our hardware require Whitelisting (IT team)?

Once this information has been sent to us in the work order form format, we will confirm compatibility and prepare the hardware for installation. Please confirm the address and who we should address the package to.

We have prepared a guide to help you complete the machine information requested in this link.

Should you require further specifications regarding the hardware, they can be found in this link.

Do understand how to check the WiFi signal near your machines please check this link for more information.


If your in-house maintenance/engineering team will complete the installation please let us know the installation date. Alternatively we will liaise with you for a suitable date for one of our partners to visit.

The remaining fields of the work order form should be completed during the installation and shared with your Busroot contact when completed.

Account setup and calibration

Once the installation is complete. We will setup your Busroot platform and schedule a call to calibrate the data with you (usually in 3-5days). This is to verify the data we receive from the machines is what is actually happening on your factory shop-floor.

We will setup weekly calls for the first 4 weeks to monitor the data. As well as show you how to navigate the Busroot platform.

Additional information

- Please double check the WiFi password as autocorrect (or similar) can alter characters (capitalisation for example).

- The Firewall information should be completed by the IT team

- In the case of device white-listing, we can supply the MAC addresses if required for you IT team

- If you have requested or required to add the WiFi information yourselves we can share the instruction with you to do this. See here

How long will the installation take?

- We find 5 machines can be installed in one day with minimal impact to production. Machine downtime depends on entering the cabinets we need to install. Some can be entered without needing to power down the machine. If the machine does need to be powered down then a rough estimate is between 5-15 minutes.

Last updated